Interactive Sample 1.0

The first rendition of RADIANT ELUSION Interactive Sample is now live in conjunction with the FUCK CAPITALISM Game Jam 2024!

My goal is to update this Interactive Sample as I continue the development of the full game and the first update will probably not be far off!  As of this moment the Information Platforms-voicelines are stacking on top of each other if triggered/overlaped before the previous voiceline has fininshed speaking. And I wish to add some other helpful tips on level 2 so as to mitigate unneccesary player confusion. Will probably also look into creating a contranst-slider for the options-menu.

Thank you for checking my game out!
Looking forward to hearing from you and future updates!

All the best,


RADIANT_ELUSION_InteractiveSample1.0.7z 884 MB
May 31, 2024

Get RADIANT ELUSION - interactive sample 1.1

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