A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome to RADIANT ELUSION Interactive Sample 1.0! A free playable segment of the skill-based first-person cuter precision platformer RADIANT ELUSION that is currently in development by indie-developer SOMATOFORM! Released in conjunction with the Fuck Capitalism Game Jam 2024 hosted by FxckCapitalism you'll be able to play and explore 2 levels and try out 1 out of 4 unlockable abilities that will make an appearance in the final game!

You are hereby invited to be enveloped by bright pixelated 3D-grapichs and vaporwave aesthetics in an experience that blends traditional platforming with puzzle sequences, collectathon:esque progression systems and a time-attack mode for speedrunning! All while original electronic soundtrack numbs your corporeal self in your search for the Irrecoverable Condition hidden somewhere inside the locked virtuality of the Free Market! Yes, gaze into the RADIANT ELUSION of interactive entertainment in this first playable sample of the upcoming game! 

Please be excited for the final version where you will be able to unlock 4 distinct abilities while exploring 10 different levels that collapse a multitude of different challenges from niche gameplay mechanics found throughout video game history such as surfing, sludge-content/parkour runners and solving your way through labyrinthian shopping malls!

Support me by wishlisting the game on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3021220/RADIANT_ELUSION/

Note that RADIANT ELUSION Interactive Sample 1.0 is a work-in-progress build and its content is currently being worked on and is subject to change from the final product RADIANT ELUSION. There will probably be small updates to RADIANT ELUSION Interactive Sample 1.0 in the coming weeks that fixes some bugs and minor nuisances to still make it a polished experience (Information Platform-voices-overlap being one of them!). Feel free to reach out, leave comments and feedback, I'd love to talk to you!

Follow, interact and support SOMATOFORM on your preferred social media platform! 

Thank you!

The game supports Gamepad but works best with Mouse and Keyboard as of this moment (RADIANT ELUSION Interactive Sample 1.0).

Movement - WASD-keys / Left Stick
Camera - Mouse / Right Stick
Jump - Space-key / Bottom Face-button
Shift/Dash - Left Shift-key / Left Face-button
Crouch - Left CTRL-key / Right Face-button
Respawn at latest Checkpoint - R-key / Top Face-button
Pause - ESC or P-key / Right Special-button


RADIANT_ELUSION_InteractiveSample1.0.7z 884 MB

Install instructions

Download and open 7z-file. Locate the exe-file VisualScriptingLevel and run it!

Development log


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Great game, look forward to seeing how the end game looks like <3

Thank you so much kerinchi! Going to work hard to make it greater!